There were only two things we disagreed on as a pair. The
first was whether or not to do parkrun in the morning. If you know me, then
you’ll know that if it is at all physically possible for me to get to a parkrun,
then I’m parkrunning (regardless of how sensible it is!). The other thing we
disagreed on was our approach to the laps. I felt that a two lap strategy was
best but Eleanor was adamant that she wanted to go with alternating every lap -
her thinking being that you didn’t really need to recover from a 5 mile run.
Whereas a 10 mile run takes a bit more thought in terms of fuelling and
hydration, as well as needing more recovery. We agreed to disagree on the
parkrun and I agreed to go with the 1 lap strategy for the race…teamwork is
about compromise after all.
I ran parkrun a bit faster than I should have (no vehicles
were allowed on-site after 10:30am so there was a bit of a time pressure to get
on our way). I ran home (too fast also), jumped in the shower and was ready
(just about) to meet Eleanor at my car at the agreed time. We drove there
feeling confident that we’d done all of the preparation we could, and that this
race was for enjoying.
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Keep Gallon Forwood ready to go! |
Eleanor was going to run the first lap. It’s really fun to
run first as everyone is out lining the course, cheering, and it has a
brilliant big event feel. But seeing as I had just done parkrun then I was more
than happy to let Eleanor go first.
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One very excited Eleanor Gallon! |
The course wasn’t exactly what I’d imagined. I’d imagined
something similar to TR which is very technical trail running which I love
(slaloms through the forest over rutted ground with tree roots and crazy hills
and cambered descents). This course was very different. The inclines and the
descents were relatively gentle and although it was technically ‘trail’ running
it was mostly on path made up of dusty, stony ground. To be honest I was a bit disheartened
after my first lap. It wasn’t the sort of trail running I love and the dust was
just plain annoying! One hill in particular was like running on sand, not my
cup of tea at all. Still, we ticked off a few laps each and after Eleanor
handed the band to me for my third lap I shouted ‘all handovers at the tent from
here’. The day was incredibly hot and the sun was now positioned so that there
was little shade in the solo area and I felt that any shade should rightly be
given to soloists. Each kilometer was marked with an inspirational sign, so I set a goal of trying to remember to read them all as I went round!
I had a massage after 3 laps, Eleanor did after 4, so we
were feeling quite fresh. After 5 laps each (25 miles in - almost marathon
distance) we were still going strong. Our times were consistent, we both felt
confident and at this point I was just starting to get in to it and really
start to enjoy it. Unfortunately Eleanor was heading the other way and started
feeling bad and had a headache. In our passing words at handover I shouted “are
you eating and drinking enough? Make sure you are drinking enough!” It was
super-hot and dehydration can be a game changer. We’d got to 25 miles each in a
third of the time so we were well on track for 50 miles each…and what was more,
we’d found out that we were in the lead! By more than a lap. I think it came as
a surprise to both of us but we had been slick with our handovers and
consistent with our running. The tantalising thought of winning crept back into
both of our heads. Before it got too competitive I ran a lap with my phone so
that I could take some photos. Whether we ended up winning or not we were going
to want to remember this experience.
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I spent that next lap thinking about Eleanor. I hoped she
was okay, it was very, very hot and although she had done some decent training,
she had found all of her speed again but had never run this far. On the other
hand I had the endurance but not quite her speed…we were a balanced team with
different strengths. But what if she couldn’t carry on…? Could I? It was still
early days in terms of the race and it was a long slog to the end if I was
going to have to go solo. On that lap, as well as pondering the many ifs and
buts of being part of a team, I also had moments of beautiful mindfulness.
Watching the dust tornadoes swirl on the path in front of me and then dance off
across the fields as I ran after them. There were some marshals by the VERY
dusty, difficult hill and they had a spray bottle. If you requested they would
spray your face with cold water as you ran past and it felt like pure heaven: A
moment of cool in the baking heat and delivered with a smile and some words of
encouragement, it was priceless. There was a huge ENDURE24 in 6 foot letters
and numbers on one of the hills surrounding the course, but by the second lap
the 2 had fallen down. ENDURE 4 was not a very inspiring message so I relished
the moment when the 4 finally fell down too. ENDURE was a message I could get
on board with…I would endure!
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Beautiful sunset. |
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The woods before the sun set. |
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Fueling during my massage. |
I was delighted that after her next lap Eleanor was feeling
much better. Another lap and I’d completed 6 so it was time for my next
massage. It turns out that 45 minutes is a perfect time period to change your
kit, grab some food, go to the massage tent, get a 30 minute massage while
eating and get back to the tent in time for handover. My food of choice so far
had been to have, after each lap, a Linda Mccartney sausage sandwich with
mayonnaise and ketchup, an orange club bar, some crisps and some watermelon
(I’d packed enough food for a week so that I could eat what I fancied as I knew
that at some point I’d not want whatever it was I’d planned to eat and therefore
the secret to fuelling was to have options). The timing of Lap 6 meant I’d
needed a torch with me as after 8.20pm torches were compulsory. We were now
running into the night.
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My baby-wipe wash! |
As the miles, and so the number of laps, racked up, the column
(on our scribbled out table of how we were feeling) inevitably saw numbers fall.
The 9’s and 10’s were now 6’s and 7’s accompanied with comments like “same pace
feels harder” and “headache”. The setting sun and the excitement of night
running kept us going. In a bit to lift my spirits I gave myself a baby-wipe
wash to get some of the sweat and sunblock off my skin and I re-plaited my
hair. It’s amazing how the little things can make you feel so much better. I
felt fresh and ready to go again!
Running through the night was liberating. I really loved
running with my torch lighting up the way. I loved the fairy-lights out on the
course which made certain sections feel magical. I loved hearing Cristopher
Hartley’s bell in the forest (after figuring out where on earth he was
marshalling…it took me a few laps!). I loved the bats flying around my head. I
loved the patches of freezing fog that would suddenly end and you would run
through what felt like beautiful warm air to take away the bite from the wet,
cold, cloudy darkness. I loved running through the darkness towards the lights
of camp and the finish straight, particularly when John Keys was standing
cheering on the finish straight. The laps in the dark were some of my
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Team communication: A note for each other after each lap and our table to track laps and how we were feeling! |
Eleanor had planned to have a shower after lap 7 but there
were logistics to consider. A break of around 45minutes was tight timing so she
prepared everything and after coming in from lap 8 off she went. Unfortunately,
as I handed over the wristband Eleanor explained that, despite it being
midnight, there was a queue for the showers and a queue was something we didn’t
have time for. She was feeling a bit rotten and really needed a shower. I was
loving the night running, so decided that on our next handover I would start a
double lap so Eleanor could go and have a proper shower. For one thing it was
cooler and after a scorching day I was embracing the feeling of being cold. At
around 2am I headed out with some food and my walking poles to run a double
lap. I ran the first lap walking just on the hills, and as I started the second
lap, I got a beautiful warm feeling in my tummy as I realised that the sun was
about to wake up. I ran-walked the second lap while watching the sun rise.
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Sunrise on Day 2. The fog from the night still lay on the ground. |
There was a water station halfway round the lap and it had
jelly energy shots. I’d asked on previous laps if they were vegetarian…they certainly
were. Vegan apparently! I’d not needed them until now but with over 45 miles in
my legs and at 3 in the morning I decided I needed an energy boost. I grabbed a
few blocks, had a drink and headed off. As I ate them I realised I had no clue
what I was eating, I couldn’t even tell what flavour it was! I had a lovely
moment with a fellow runner when I asked if they knew and we both decided that
the flavour could only be described as red! Mmmmm red (it was really pretty
disgusting but a much needed energy boost nonetheless). Towards the end of this
lap, as I reached my 50 mile target, a red kite hung in the air over my head as
I pushed up the dusty hill and I took comfort from the feeling that Ben was
with me and was proud of me.
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4am sports massage |
I ran back into camp feeling strong and as I handed over to
a fresh and strong looking Eleanor I said “take your phone, you’re going to
want to take pictures of this. The sunrise is beautiful!” and off she went to
complete her 10th lap (50th mile). I headed off for
my next massage and was pleased to see Matt Pinnock in the massage tent. I was
pleased to see him for about a minute and then realised that he looked in
terrible shape-I was pretty worried! His race had started fantastically and
Matt was one of the fastest men to complete the first 5 or so laps but now he
looked very, very cold. I tried to insist on giving him some kit but he said his
dad was already on it, at least he had some good support. Through the freezing
fog he had run in a shorts and a vest (proper Yorkshire tough) but as I lay
there shivering in my full leggings, long sleeved top, dressing gown and
blanket he lay under his blanket looking distinctively less cheery. Matt was
running solo which was a whole different ballgame. Any time in the massage tent
is time you’re losing out on course. I didn’t envy him at all as
he headed out of the tent for another lap as he made
his way towards his 100 mile target.
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