Tuesday, 1 August 2017

I seem to have misplaced my child-free time... have you seen it?

I am loving my run streak but I knew the summer holiday was going to be a challenge because I would have zero help with childcare (my three child-free mornings a week have become very important to my sanity!). I realise am lucky; I have a running buggy, and I am even luckier to have a child happy enough to sit in the buggy while I run. The problem for me is that if I do too much buggy running I find my situation acutely oppressive. It becomes that I am not just out for a run, but the buggy becomes a metaphor for my life. Pushing the buggy on my own makes me feel lonely and like life is really hard which becomes a big problem for me because that’s not normally the headspace I occupy.

So… I was all hyped up about my running and was feeling a little smug to have easily maintained my run streak for the first week! When meeting friends I’d turn up in running gear and ask if I could dash off for a quick 5km, or Poppy would go on a playdate and I would go for a longer run. Since returning from our last holiday Poppy’s bedtime has slipped from 7.30pm to 9.30pm (which I would usually work to correct) but I’m embracing it as it means that I can take her to run club with me (without feeling like a terrible parent because she’s so shattered that I should be at home putting her to bed)!

I fancied doing a longer run today so I messaged a group of friends a few days ago asking if anyone could have Poppy for an hour and a half so I could get nine or ten miles in… let me correct that sentence! I THOUGHT I had messaged a group of friends a few days ago! It did strike me as odd that I hadn’t heard back from anyone after a day – the message hadn’t sent. So with almost no notice it wasn’t a huge surprise that I struggled to find somebody to look after Poppy so I could run. Well, that’s not strictly true. A friend who has an awful lot on her plate right now offered because she has a really big heart but I really couldn’t accept and I figured I better suck it up and get out there and attempt a long buggy run.

I woke up feeling really positive and got us both up and ready to leave the house by 8.15am! This was an achievement given Poppy’s new bedtime! We ran down into town and joined the canal. Poppy and I had compromised on what to do and agreed that if I got a long buggy run then she could choose going to the cinema afterwards as the thing that she wanted us to do. By 8.30am we were running along the canal heading out of Leeds. It was a great time to be running! For a start the sun was shining and rain was forecast for later so I was pleased I’d got us up and out to enjoy the best of the day. There were WAY more trains at that time of day than we’ve ever seen there before so Poppy was very pleased… but the number one reason that it was a great time to be running was the commuters.

As we ran following the canal, for a full half an hour there was a stream of people walking, biking or running to work. It was a really great feeling to be running away from that and I really felt for all of the people rushing to meet that time pressure of being on somebody else’s time. It was such a beautiful moment of realisation for me that, while attempting a long run with the buggy, which would normally make me feel trapped and alone, I felt the most immense feeling of freedom. I have nobody to answer to, no boss, no clocking in for work, nowhere to rush to… I am not part of the rat race and for now that feels pretty bloody wonderful!

We had a brilliant time and while I was running we discussed all sorts of things (foraging, electricity, concentric circles, how trees grow and how their roots disturb the tarmac of the path). Poppy’s absolute favourite thing was eating ALL of the blackberries I picked for her, as well as playing an imaginary game with our new friend Mr Thistle – Mr Thistle, although dangerously spikey, was particularly good at knowing where the best blackberries could be found… oh to be four again!

So, while essentially I had strapped Poppy into the buggy for almost two hours so that I could do a decent length run, in reality we had a wonderful morning together and I was left feeling like a pretty awesome parent. More importantly I felt more at peace than I have done in a long time; about being a one-parent-family, about not sending Poppy to school in September, and about not having to work at the moment. Today I am feeling thankful for where I am in my life right now which has surprised me, because this is a feeling that I haven’t felt for a very long time. Today’s buggy run was a buggy run that I definitely needed to have…